Monday, May 28, 2007

Firefox RIP Extension

Here's a cool new Firefox extension that lets you remove those annoying graphical ads from a website. This extension is inspired by Adblok and Nuke Anything. But one difference it has over Nukeanything is that you can get rid of the graphical elements permamently, it can remember your changes the next time you visited the site. Here's the original article.

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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

GMail Lifts Invitation Only Requirements

Google has now lifted the inivitation only Gmail service.Everybody will now have the chance to sigh up for free without the need for invitation. Although restriction has been lifted Google still retains the services' beta status.


Thursday, February 08, 2007

Firefox 3 Alpha 2 Available Now

Mozilla announced the release of Firefox 3 dubbed Gran Paradiso. Grand Paradiso is the first release to use the new Gecko 1.9 rendering engine. With this release it means that older versions of Windows prior Windows 2000 will not be supported. This release is intended for testing purposes only and is geared towards web application developers and the testing community. This is not yet a production release. If you want to try it out you can download it from here.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

NVidia Incompatible with Vista

NVidia, one of the leading graphics card manufacturer has apparently failed the Vista test. Gamers has reportedly experienced crashed games as a result of the incompatibility with the new Windows Vista operating system.

Source: InformationWeek

Key Internet Infrastructure Attacked

Hackers has attacked 3 of the 13 root nameservers which handles most of the internet traffic worldwide. The attack lasted for almost 12 hours.

Source: NewsFactor Network

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